Saturday, 22 December 2012

My Christmas Make

For my Christmas make I have designed and made an all over screen print design onto a t-shirt.

This is my three designs for the t-shirts I designed myself.

The t-shirt to the left is a all over overlaying coin print design, which I would screen print on.
The middle is a mirrored effect of my drawing, which I would have iron on transferred the image onto the t-shirt.
The right is an all over screen print of my gherkin and skyline print, which has hints of colour in parts of the design.
Out of these I choose to do the all over gherkin skyline print t-shirt because it was the most detailed and I wanted to challenge myself to get a complicated print right.

This is one of my print test designs I did before I printed my t-shirt, I did a few testers, trying out different colours, and also repeating the design, making sure it worked well.
The final Outcome 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 
Jess Smith

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

My Christmas Make

For my Christmas make I designed and created a letter rack using laser cutting along with envelopes and paper to match.

This is my laser cutting design that made the front of the letter rack...

Here are photos of the final piece, showing the letter rack, envelopes, paper and the pattern that I used.

Happy Christmas Everyone! Emma x

Monday, 5 November 2012

New project for the As group

Alton College Textiles AS Course 2012-13
Fruit and vegetables project
The transformation of fruit and vegetable slices into a rectangular scarf

"as you cut into a piece of fruit, take time to enjoy the beautiful patterns revealed in the cross-sections" (from applique stitchery by Jean Ray Laury, 1966) 

Project duration:   7 weeks
Half term week   Produce 1 drawing of a slice from any piece of fruit and veg. Use the oven, microwave a radiator or airing cupboard to dry some slices of lemons, oranges, etc. Take photographs of fruit and veg you have at home, in a garden, a shop display (explain why you’re doing it and get permission first), wherever you can.
Week 1   w/c 5th November
This week you will do more drawings in your sketchbook, it is wise to continue adding to this production of imagery throughout the project so you have lots to use for your final design.

You will also be using the photocopier to photocopy your fruit and vegetables and your own imagery, which you will then manipulate and use to develop further work for your project.

Plus you will use the light box and coloured gels to produce more photographs.

You will scan any successful imagery produced so far into Photoshop and start to experiment with manipulation of colour.

It will be important to stick all of your work into your sketchbooks as you produce it and annotate as you go.

Make yourself a name and project title sticker to label your sketchbook.

For homework every week we expect you to continue with your own work, and to investigate the work of other artists and designers to help you develop your own work and ideas.
Research and response to: Michael Craig Martin. Think carefully about what technique to use and please include at least one sticker image you have made.
Materials needed: 1 x A4 or A3 spiral bound sketchbook, drawing pencils – HB, 2B, 4B, etc, a good, soft rubber, pencil sharpener, a camera (borrow one if need be, only necessary for a few hours or good phone camera), black biro/drawing pen.

Week 2   w/c 12th November
You will be introduced to appliqué and acetate collage.

You will be asked to start to explore ideas in inventive and individual directions, using processes and techniques together to produce your work. We will expect you to draw on your existing skills and knowledge as well as using new techniques.

Research and response to: Laura McCafferty
Materials needed: Sewing thread, a small piece of Bondaweb which you can buy from fabric shops (C&H fabrics, Fabric land, Christine’s Art & Craft shop), acetate.

Week 3   w/c 19th November
We would like you to produce 3 examples of a silhouette of 1 image using Photoshop and will introduce you to simple repeat patterns using Photoshop. You will discuss these with us and print them onto acetate (1 x single image and 1 x repeat image) for making into a silk screen for printing.

You will also be introduced to gold card printing

Research and response to: Marimekko or Orla Kiely
Materials needed: acetate and a scalpel (available from the department).

Week 4   w/c 26th November
You will be introduced to crochet or knitting this week and expected to produce 1 or more samples. You will continue to develop work in your sketchbooks as well as working on practical pieces in the studio. It is important to continue to document your work and keep everything you produce for future reference and evidence of your progress.

You also need to produce a set of 3 badges.

Research and response to: Your choice of a fashion (not soft toys etc) knit or crochet designer
Materials needed: badge blanks (20p each) and either 3.5 – 4.5 mm knitting needles or 3.5 – 4.5 mm crochet hook and 2 colours of double knitting wool. You can often find knitting needles and crochet hooks in charity shops. You could pair up with a friend to each buy 1 ball of wool and share the 2 colours or you can buy small skeins of tapestry wool (much cheaper) instead of knitting wool.

Week 5   w/c 3rd December
This week will be spent exploring silk screen printing and experimenting with your ideas through this medium. You will watch a demonstration and then produce your own examples of screen printed imagery ensuring you produce samples of repeat patterns, single images and overlapping images using both transparent and opaque inks. You will also use this week to complete any incomplete work from previous weeks.

Homework: Start your scarf designs (see below).
Week 6   w/c 10th December
This week you will need to complete 4 colour designs for your scarves, each with information and swatches of materials to be used and details of trimmings if relevant.

Some of you will produce a scarf from a single thickness of fabric, others will use 2 layers of fabric. This can involve the use of dying, embellishing using any of the techniques you have learnt this year, but you must remember that the scarves you design need to come from the work you have produced for this project.

It will be your responsibility to ensure you have discussed your designs with us so we have helped you select the best one to make and organised what you need to have produced to make your scarf, eg bought more Bondaweb or screen printed your fabric.

Print your fabric and/or make embellishments for your scarf.

Materials needed: Thin cotton fabric such as tana lawn which will drape well.

Week 7 w/c 17th December
Complete your scarf, your sketchbook presentation, your 500 word evaluation of the project and your photo shoot (dress your model in black or white and style your scarf in a variety of ways).

Hand in: Tuesday 8th January 2012.
Extension tasks of photograms, colographs and wire sculptures are suggested for anyone wishing to produce additional work.

Your 3rd and final coursework project of the year will be a skirt project and we will be expecting you to start to gather imagery needed for it during the Christmas holiday.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Beautiful felt

The As group are just completing their 1st project, part of which was to create a beautiful broach or keyring from felt which they had to present so it would look as though it could go straight onto the counter at Liberty's. Liz and I are looking forward to what they will have produced and hope it will be as lovely as some of the gorgeous examples we were presented with by last year's cohort of As students.
I didn't get around to posting any pictures last year on my own blog so here's a snapshot of their work which was based around slices of fruit and veg.

I will add on photos from this year sometime soon (I hope).

Textiles open evening

(thanks Sammi for the lovely welcome sign)
Last night was the 1st open evening of this academic year and despite the horrible weather it was lovely to see so many interested, prospective students, especially the ones who came in saying they'd just come to be nosey because they weren't planning to do Textiles A level, but might think about it after seeing our student's work. A lot of students think Textiles is part of the DT department and involves a lot of writing about fabrics and producing multiple samples of different stitches sewn with a sewing machine. At Alton it's all about the fun of experimenting with producing beautiful sketchbooks containing a wide variety of techniques 

and making a lovely outcome at the end of every project; whether that's making a skirt, producing your own fabric and covering a chair, making a bag, reinventing an old suitcase or multiple other opportunities to produce beautiful products. Definitly hard work but a great deal of enjoyment too.

Anyway enough of my writing, here's some extra pictures showing part of the room before the visitors arrived.

Oh, I nearly forgot, there was also a display showing a project from our Btec course for students from local schools: